Source code for nephos.fabric.peer

#   Copyright [2018] [Alejandro Vicente Grabovetsky via AID:Tech]
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at#
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

import random
from time import sleep

from nephos.fabric.ord import check_ord_tls
from nephos.fabric.settings import get_namespace, get_version
from nephos.fabric.utils import get_helm_pod
from nephos.helpers.helm import (

[docs]def check_peer(namespace, release, verbose=False): """Check if Peer is running. Args: namespace: Namespace where Peer is located. release: Name of Peer Helm release. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: bool: True once Peer is correctly running. """ pod_exec = get_helm_pod( namespace=namespace, release=release, app="hlf-peer", verbose=verbose ) res = pod_exec.logs(1000) if "Received block" in res: return True while True: if "Starting peer" in res or "Sleeping" in res: return True else: sleep(15) res = pod_exec.logs(1000)
# TODO: Split CouchDB creation from Peer creation
[docs]def setup_peer(opts, upgrade=False, verbose=False): """Setup Peer on K8S. Args: opts (dict): Nephos options dict. upgrade (bool): Do we upgrade the deployment? False by default. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. """ peer_namespace = get_namespace(opts, opts["peers"]["msp"]) for release in opts["peers"]["names"]: # Deploy the CouchDB instances version = get_version(opts, "hlf-couchdb") config_yaml = "{dir}/hlf-couchdb/cdb-{name}.yaml".format( dir=opts["core"]["dir_values"], name=release ) if not upgrade: extra_vars = helm_extra_vars(version=version, config_yaml=config_yaml) helm_install( opts["core"]["chart_repo"], "hlf-couchdb", "cdb-{}".format(release), peer_namespace, extra_vars=extra_vars, verbose=verbose, ) else: preserve = ( HelmPreserve( peer_namespace, "cdb-{}-hlf-couchdb".format(release), "COUCHDB_USERNAME", "couchdbUsername", ), HelmPreserve( peer_namespace, "cdb-{}-hlf-couchdb".format(release), "COUCHDB_PASSWORD", "couchdbPassword", ), ) extra_vars = helm_extra_vars( version=version, config_yaml=config_yaml, preserve=preserve ) helm_upgrade( opts["core"]["chart_repo"], "hlf-couchdb", "cdb-{}".format(release), extra_vars=extra_vars, verbose=verbose, ) helm_check("hlf-couchdb", "cdb-{}".format(release), peer_namespace) # Deploy the HL-Peer charts version = get_version(opts, "hlf-peer") config_yaml = "{dir}/hlf-peer/{name}.yaml".format( dir=opts["core"]["dir_values"], name=release ) extra_vars = helm_extra_vars(version=version, config_yaml=config_yaml) if not upgrade: helm_install( opts["core"]["chart_repo"], "hlf-peer", release, peer_namespace, extra_vars=extra_vars, verbose=verbose, ) else: helm_upgrade( opts["core"]["chart_repo"], "hlf-peer", release, extra_vars=extra_vars, verbose=verbose, ) helm_check("hlf-peer", release, peer_namespace) # Check that peer is running check_peer(peer_namespace, release, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def peer_channel_suffix(opts, ord_name, verbose=False): """Get command suffix for "peer channel" commands, as they involve speaking with Orderer. Args: opts (dict): Nephos options dict. ord_name (str): Orderer we wish to speak to. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: str: Command suffix we need to use in "peer channel" commands. """ ord_tls = check_ord_tls(opts, verbose=verbose) if ord_tls: cmd_suffix = ( "--tls " + "--ordererTLSHostnameOverride {orderer}-hlf-ord " + "--cafile $(ls ${{ORD_TLS_PATH}}/*.pem)" ).format(orderer=ord_name) else: cmd_suffix = "" return cmd_suffix
[docs]def get_channel_block(peer_ex, ord_name, ord_namespace, channel, cmd_suffix): """Get channel block from Peer. Args: peer_ex (Executor): A Pod Executor representing a Peer. ord_name (str): Name of the orderer we wish to communicate with. ord_namespace (str): Namespace where the orderer resides. channel (str): Name of the channel we with to retrieve. cmd_suffix (str): Suffix to the "peer channel fetch" command. Returns: bool: Were we able to fetch the channel? """ channel_file = "/var/hyperledger/{channel}.block".format(channel=channel) channel_block, _ = peer_ex.execute("ls {}".format(channel_file)) if not channel_block: res, err = peer_ex.execute( ( "bash -c 'peer channel fetch 0 {channel_file} " + "-c {channel} " + "-o {orderer}-hlf-ord.{ord_ns}.svc.cluster.local:7050 {cmd_suffix}'" ).format( channel_file=channel_file, channel=channel, orderer=ord_name, ord_ns=ord_namespace, cmd_suffix=cmd_suffix, ) ) if err: return False return True
# TODO: Split channel creation from channel joining
[docs]def create_channel(opts, verbose=False): """Create Channel for Peer. Args: opts (dict): Nephos options dict. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. """ peer_namespace = get_namespace(opts, opts["peers"]["msp"]) ord_namespace = get_namespace(opts, opts["orderers"]["msp"]) channel = opts["peers"]["channel_name"] # Get orderer TLS status ord_name = random.choice(opts["orderers"]["names"]) # TODO: This should be a function cmd_suffix = peer_channel_suffix(opts, ord_name, verbose=verbose) for index, release in enumerate(opts["peers"]["names"]): # Get peer pod pod_ex = get_helm_pod(peer_namespace, release, "hlf-peer", verbose=verbose) # Check if the file exists has_channel = False while not has_channel: has_channel = get_channel_block( pod_ex, ord_name, ord_namespace, channel, cmd_suffix ) if not has_channel: pod_ex.execute( ( "bash -c 'peer channel create " + "-o {orderer}-hlf-ord.{ns}.svc.cluster.local:7050 " + "-c {channel} -f /hl_config/channel/{channel}.tx {cmd_suffix}'" ).format( orderer=ord_name, ns=ord_namespace, channel=opts["peers"]["channel_name"], cmd_suffix=cmd_suffix, ) ) res, _ = pod_ex.execute("peer channel list") channels = (res.split("Channels peers has joined: ")[1]).split() if opts["peers"]["channel_name"] not in channels: pod_ex.execute( ( "bash -c " + "'CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=$ADMIN_MSP_PATH " + "peer channel join -b /var/hyperledger/{channel}.block {cmd_suffix}'" ).format(channel=opts["peers"]["channel_name"], cmd_suffix=cmd_suffix) )