Source code for nephos.fabric.utils

#   Copyright [2018] [Alejandro Vicente Grabovetsky via AID:Tech]
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at#
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

from glob import glob
from os import path

from import ApiException

from nephos.helpers.k8s import Executer, secret_create, secret_from_file, secret_read
from nephos.helpers.misc import execute, rand_string

[docs]def credentials_secret(secret_name, namespace, username, password=None, verbose=False): """Create a CA credentials secret. Args: secret_name (str): Name of secret. namespace (str): Namespace for secret to be located. username (str): Username for credentials secret. password (str): Password for credentials secret. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: dict: Secret data including "CA_USERNAME" and "CA_PASSWORD" """ try: secret_data = secret_read(secret_name, namespace, verbose=verbose) # Check that the ID stored is the same as Orderer name # TODO: Remove asserts here, instead raise error assert username == secret_data["CA_USERNAME"] if password: assert password == secret_data["CA_PASSWORD"] except ApiException: # Get relevant variables if not password: password = rand_string(24) secret_data = {"CA_USERNAME": username, "CA_PASSWORD": password} secret_create(secret_data, secret_name, namespace) return secret_data
[docs]def crypto_secret(secret_name, namespace, file_path, key, verbose=False): """Create a crypto-material secret. Args: secret_name (str): Name of secret. namespace (str): Namespace for secret to be located. file_path (str): Path to file we want to store as a secret. key (str): Key (file) name of secret we want to store as a secret. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. """ secret_files = glob(path.join(file_path, "*")) if len(secret_files) != 1: raise Exception("We should only find one file in this directory") secret_from_file( secret=secret_name, namespace=namespace, key=key, filename=secret_files[0], verbose=verbose, )
# TODO: Move this to K8S helpers
[docs]def get_pod(namespace, identifier, item=0, verbose=False): """Get a pod object from K8S. Args: namespace (str): Namespace where pod is located. identifier (str): Name of pod, or a label descriptor. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: Executer: A pod object able to execute commands and return logs. """ node_pod, _ = execute( ( "kubectl get pods -n {ns} {identifier} " + '-o jsonpath="{{.items[{item}]}}"' ).format(ns=namespace, identifier=identifier, item=item), verbose=verbose, ) if not node_pod: raise ValueError('"node_pod" should contain a value') pod_ex = Executer(node_pod, namespace=namespace, verbose=verbose) return pod_ex
# TODO: Move this to Helm helpers
[docs]def get_helm_pod(namespace, release, app, item=0, verbose=False): """Get a pod object from K8S. Args: namespace (str): Namespace where pod is located. release (str): Release name of pod. app (str): App type of pod. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: Executer: A pod object able to execute commands and return logs. """ identifier = '-l "app={app},release={name}"'.format(app=app, name=release) return get_pod(namespace, identifier, item=item, verbose=verbose)