Source code for nephos.helpers.helm

from __future__ import print_function

from collections import namedtuple
from os import path
from time import sleep

from blessings import Terminal

from nephos.helpers.k8s import pod_check, secret_read
from nephos.helpers.misc import execute

TERM = Terminal()

HelmPreserve = namedtuple(
    "HelmPreserve", ("secret_namespace", "secret_name", "data_item", "values_path")
# noinspection PyArgumentList
HelmSet = namedtuple("HelmSet", ("key", "value", "set_string"), defaults=(False,))

CURRENT_DIR = path.abspath(path.split(__file__)[0])

# TODO: We should be able to get the namespace from the Helm release...
[docs]def helm_check(app, release, namespace, pod_num=None): """Check if a Helm release exists and is functional. Args: app (str): Helm application name. release (str): Release name on K8S. namespace (str): Namespace where Helm deployment is located. pod_num (int): Number of pods expected to exist in the release. """ identifier = '-l "app={app},release={name}"'.format(app=app, name=release) pod_check(namespace, identifier, pod_num=pod_num)
[docs]def helm_init(): """Initialise Helm on cluster, using RBAC.""" res, _ = execute("helm list") if res is not None: print("Helm is already installed!")) else: execute("kubectl create -f {}/../extras/helm-rbac.yaml".format(CURRENT_DIR)) execute("helm init --service-account tiller") # Fix issue with automountServiceToken res, _ = execute( "kubectl -n kube-system get deployment tiller-deploy " + '-o jsonpath="{.spec.template.spec.automountServiceAccountToken}"' ) if res == "false": execute( "kubectl -n kube-system patch deployment tiller-deploy " + '-p \'{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"automountServiceAccountToken": true}}}}\'' ) # We keep checking the state of helm until everything is running running = False while not running: res, _ = execute("helm list") if res is not None: running = True else: print("."), end="", flush=True) sleep(15)
[docs]def helm_env_vars(env_vars): """Convert environmental variables to a "--set" string for Helm deployments. Args: env_vars (Iterable): Environmental variables we wish to store in Helm. Returns: str: String containing variables to be set with Helm release. """ env_vars = list(env_vars) for i, item in enumerate(env_vars): if isinstance(item, tuple): item = HelmSet(*item) elif not isinstance(item, HelmSet): raise TypeError("Items in env_vars array must be HelmSet named tuples") env_vars[i] = item # Environmental variables # TODO: This may well be its own subfunction env_vars_string = "".join( [ " --set{} {}={}".format( "-string" if item.set_string else "", item.key, item.value ) for item in env_vars ] ) return env_vars_string
[docs]def helm_preserve(preserve, verbose=False): """Convert secret data to a "--set" string for Helm deployments. Args: preserve (Iterable): Set of secrets we wish to get data from to assign to the Helm Chart. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: str: String containing variables to be set with Helm release. """ env_vars = [] for item in preserve: if isinstance(item, tuple): item = HelmPreserve(*item) elif not isinstance(item, HelmPreserve): raise TypeError("Items in preserve array must be HelmPerserve named tuples") secret_data = secret_read( item.secret_name, item.secret_namespace, verbose=verbose ) env_vars.append(HelmSet(item.values_path, secret_data[item.data_item])) # Environmental variables # TODO: This may well be its own subfunction env_vars_string = "".join( [ " --set{} {}={}".format( "-string" if item.set_string else "", item.key, item.value ) for item in env_vars ] ) return env_vars_string
[docs]def helm_extra_vars( version=None, config_yaml=None, env_vars=None, preserve=None, verbose=False ): """Centralise obtaining extra variables for our helm_install and/or helm_upgrade Args: version (str): Which Chart version do we wish to install? config_yaml (str, Iterable): Values file(s) to override defaults. env_vars (Iterable): Environmental variables we wish to store in Helm. preserve (Iterable): Set of secrets we wish to get data from to assign to the Helm Chart. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. Returns: str: String of Chart version, values files, environmental variables, """ # Get Helm Env-Vars extra_vars_string = "" if version: extra_vars_string += " --version {}".format(version) if config_yaml: if isinstance(config_yaml, (str, bytes)): config_yaml = (config_yaml,) if isinstance(config_yaml, (list, tuple)): extra_vars_string += " -f " + " -f ".join(config_yaml) else: raise ValueError("'config_yaml' variable should be a string, tuple or list") if env_vars: extra_vars_string += helm_env_vars(env_vars) if preserve: extra_vars_string += helm_preserve(preserve, verbose=verbose) return extra_vars_string
[docs]def helm_install(repo, app, release, namespace, extra_vars="", verbose=False): """Install Helm chart. Args: repo (str): Repository or folder from which to install Helm chart. app (str): Helm application name. release (str): Release name on K8S. namespace (str): Namespace where to deploy Helm Chart. extra_vars (str): Extra variables for Helm including version, values files and environmental variables. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. """ ls_res, _ = execute("helm status {release}".format(release=release)) if not ls_res: command = "helm install {repo}/{app} -n {name} --namespace {ns}".format( app=app, name=release, ns=namespace, repo=repo ) command += extra_vars # Execute execute(command, verbose=verbose)
[docs]def helm_upgrade(repo, app, release, extra_vars="", verbose=False): """Upgrade Helm chart. Args: repo (str): Repository or folder from which to install Helm chart. app (str): Helm application name. release (str): Release name on K8S. extra_vars (str): Extra variables for Helm including version, values files and environmental variables. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. """ ls_res, _ = execute("helm status {release}".format(release=release)) if ls_res: command = "helm upgrade {name} {repo}/{app}".format( app=app, name=release, repo=repo ) command += extra_vars or "" # Execute execute(command, verbose=verbose) else: raise Exception("Cannot update a Helm release that is not running")