Source code for nephos.helpers.misc

from __future__ import print_function

import random
from builtins import input
from getpass import getpass
from os.path import isfile, split
import re
from string import ascii_letters, digits
from subprocess import check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
import time

from blessings import Terminal
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import JsonLexer
from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter

t = Terminal()

[docs]def execute(command, verbose=False, show_command=True, show_errors=True): """Execute an arbitrary command line command. Args: command (str): Command to execute. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. show_command (bool): Do we display the command? True by default. show_errors (bool): Do we display errors? True by default. Returns: tuple: 2-tuple of execution info: 1) result of the command, if successful, None if not; 2) and error, if command failed, None if not. """ if show_command: print(t.magenta(command)) try: # TODO: Can we do this with a different command than check_output (Bandit security issue) result = check_output(command, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True) decoded = result.decode("utf-8") if verbose: print(decoded) return decoded, None except CalledProcessError as e: error_text = e.output.decode("utf-8") if show_errors: print("Command failed with CalledProcessError:")) print(error_text) return None, error_text
[docs]def execute_until_success(command, verbose=False, delay=15): """Execute a command until it is successful. Args: command (str): Command to execute. verbose (bool): Verbosity. False by default. delay (int): Delay in seconds between each unsuccessful attempt. Returns: str: result of the command """ res = None first_pass = True while not res: res, err = execute( command, show_command=first_pass, verbose=verbose and first_pass, show_errors=first_pass, ) first_pass = False if err: print("."), end="", flush=True) time.sleep(delay) else: if verbose: print(res) return res
[docs]def input_files(keys, clean_key=False): """Read a set of filenames and return data from them. Args: keys (Iterable): Tuple of keys clean_key (bool): Do we clean the key to replace non-alphanumeric symbols with an underscore? False by default. Returns: dict: Data from each file assigned to its relevant key. """ data = {} input_text = "Input {key}" for key in keys: # TODO: This could be its own function. is_file = False while not is_file: filename = get_response(input_text.format(key=key)) is_file = isfile(filename) if not is_file: print("{} is not a file".format(filename)) if key is None: key = split(filename)[1] if clean_key: dirty_key = key key = re.sub(r"[^0-9a-zA-Z_.\-]+", "_", dirty_key) if key != dirty_key: print(t.yellow("Replaced ") + dirty_key + t.yellow(" with ") + key) with open(filename, "rb") as f: data[key] = return data
[docs]def get_response(question, permitted_responses=(), sensitive=False): """Get response from user. Args: question: What do we want to obtain from the user? permitted_responses: What responses do we allow? sensitive: Is the information sensitive (e.g. a password)? Returns: str: Response from user. """ print(t.yellow(question)) if permitted_responses: print(t.cyan("Permitted responses: " + str(permitted_responses))) responded = 0 while responded == 0: if sensitive: response = getpass("Password:") else: response = input() # Check type of response if response in permitted_responses or not permitted_responses: # Response is among possible responses (or any response is permitted) responded = 1 # Otherwise we ping the user to input a response if not responded: print("Invalid response, try again!")) return response
[docs]def pretty_print(string): """Pretty print a JSON string. Args: string (str): String we want to pretty print. """ print(highlight(string, JsonLexer(), TerminalFormatter()))
[docs]def rand_string(length): """Create random alphanumeric string (useful for passwords). Args: length (int): Length of random string. Returns: str: Alphanumeric string. """ return "".join(random.choice(ascii_letters + digits) for _ in range(length))